
Legal / Law Firms

Cyber breaches increasingly plague law firms of all sizes for various reasons. Due to the amount, type, and organization of information stored in law firms systems, as well as the amount of money that moves through them for litigation and transactions, law firms remain targets. In addition, the number of lawyers remotely working is increasing, and threat actors are constantly updating and improving their attacks. Though threats continue to evolve, the most successful exploits are not new, just refined. Legal entities store an immense amount of sensitive information for their clients, some being high-value individuals and companies. Stetson can help firms protect client finances and data, handle breaches properly and safeguard with cyber insurance coverage to avoid or mitigate resulting liabilities. Stetson can provide legal entities with suitable recommendations to ensure proper controls are in place to protect all sensitive data by analyzing the environment locally or cloud-based. Identifying vulnerabilities and risks in any form and putting a plan in place to mitigate these risks can prevent a vast amount

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